MICAI 2023 payment page

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Payment for MICAI 2023
Credit card / PayPal

For payments from Mexico, please use the bank transfer option.

IMPORTANT: Payments with PayPal include 5% commission charged by PayPal.
You can pay less if you pay via bank transfer from Mexico
(transfer from abroad will probably include even larger commission).

Here you can pay with credit card (via PayPal) or with other PayPal valid option.

On the PayPal page, please type in the "comments" field your contact details: including your name, address, phone, etc.; for us to identify your payment.

To pay with a credit card register a PayPal account.


Payment items

Pay ONE ITEM at a time. Each button is for paying one item.
To pay more than one item, use "continue with paying" link
on the page that appears after a successful transaction.

Test payment: US$ 1.23
         * Only if you want to try how it works. It will charge you $1.23; no refund!
         * If you have no paper, indicate 999 as paper number and "Test payment" as title
Paper ID
 as assigned by EasyChair
Paper title

Registration for MICAI 2023 main/special sessions (author): US$ 555
         * If you present more than one paper, please pay one complete fee plus one
            reduced fee per each additional paper, as specified below.

Paper ID
 as assigned by EasyChair
Paper title

Registration for MICAI 2023 additional paper (author): US$ 455
         * If you present more than one paper, please pay one complete fee plus one
            reduced fee per each additional paper.

Paper ID
 as assigned by EasyChair
Paper title

LNAI/RCS paper exceeding 12 pages: US$ 12 (per each additional page)

Paper ID
 as assigned by EasyChair
Paper title

Workshop (author): US$ 120

Paper title

Please direct any questions to micai2023smia.org.