MICAI 2018 |
Accepted Papers |
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Title |
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Angel Díaz-Pacheco and Carlos Alberto Reyes García. Full model selection in huge datasets and for proxy models construction |
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Jose Eduardo Gomez, David Camilo Corrales Muñoz, Ivan Dario Lopez, Jose Antonio Iglesias and Juan Carlos Corrales. Incremental versus non-incremental learning in volcano monitoring tasks: A systematic review |
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Marcelo G. Armentano, Ariel J. Monteserin, Franco D. Berdun, Emilio Bongiorno and Luis María Coussirat. User recommendation in low degree networks with a learning-based approach |
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Yanela Rodríguez Alvarez, Rafael Bello Pérez, Yailé Caballero Mota, Yaima Filiberto Cabrera, Yumilka Fernández Hernández and Mabel Frias Dominguez. Fuzzy Design of Nearest Prototype Classifier |
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Saúl Solorio-Fernández, J. Ariel Carrasco-Ochoa and José Fco. Martínez-Trinidad. Ranking based Unsupervised Feature Selection Methods: an Empirical Comparative Study in High Dimensional Datasets |
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Adrian Vázquez Osorio, Carlos Armando Soto Barrera, Juan Pablo Soto Barrera, Elvira Rolón Aguilar and Julio César Rolón Aguilar. Water quality monitoring systems based on intelligent agents: A systematic literature review |
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Bálint Daróczy, Frederick Ayala-Gómez and Andras A. Benczur. Infrequent Item-to-item Recommendation via Random Fields |
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Frederick Ayala-Gómez, Baris Kenis, Pinar Karagoz and Andras A. Benczur. Top-k Context-Aware Tour Recommendations for Groups |
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Olga Kolesnikova and Alexander Gelbukh. Exploring the Context of Lexical Functions |
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Allan Renato Sabino, Ricardo Azambuja Silveira and Elder Rizzon Santos. Towards Belief Revision in Multi- Context System-Based Agents |
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Elvys Linhares Pontes, Stéphane Huet and Juan-Manuel Torres-Moreno. A Multilingual Study of Compressive Cross-Language Text Summarization |
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Carlos-Emiliano González-Gallardo, Elvys Linhares Pontes, Fatiha Sadat and Juan-Manuel Torres-Moreno. Neural Network approaches for Sentence Boundary Detection in Arabic transcripts |
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Carlos-Emiliano González-Gallardo and Juan-Manuel Torres-Moreno. WiSeBE: Window-based Sentence Boundary Evaluation |
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Cristyan Gil Morales and Suraj Shinde. Analysis of emotions through speech using the combination of multiple input sources with deep convolutional and LSTM networks |
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Carlos Daniel Virgilio Gonzalez, Juan Humberto Sossa Azuela, Elsa Rubio Espino and Victor H. Ponce Ponce. Classification of Motor Imagery EEG Signals with CSP filtering through Neural Networks Models |
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Dianne Arias Alvarez, Yaima Filiberto Cabrera and Rafael Bello Pérez. Method of Generating Contexts based on Self-adaptive Dierential Particle Swarm using Local Topology for Multimodal Optimization in the case of Multigranulation |
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Michal Novák, Jiří Mírovský, Kateřina Rysová and Magdaléna Rysová. Topic-Focus Articulation: A Third Pillar of Automatic Evaluation of Text Coherence |
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Julian Andres Ramirez Bautista, László T. Kóczy, Antonio Hernández Zavala, Jorge Adalberto Huerta Ruelas, Miklós Ferenc Hatwágner and Silvia L. Chaparro Cárdenas. Detection of Human Footprint Alterations by Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Trained with Genetic Algorithm |
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Guillermina Vivar-Estudillo, Mario-Alberto Ibarra-Manzano and Dora-Luz Almanza-Ojeda. Tremor Signal Analysis for Parkinon´s Disease detection using Leap Motion Device |
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Antonio López-Jaimez, Jorge Cervantes-Ojeda, Maria C. Gómez-Fuentes and A. Montserrat Alvarado-González. Simultaneous evolution of neuro-controllers for multiple car-like robots |
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Mariana Alelhí Román-Flores, Guillermo Santamaría-Bonfil, Lorena Díaz-González and Gustavo Arroyo-Figueroa. Single imputation methods applied to a global geothermal database. |
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Virgilio Lopez-Morales, Joel Suarez-Cansino, Ruslan Gabbasov and Anilu Franco-Arcega. A General Method for Consistency Improving in Decision-Making Under Uncertainty |
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Alexander Bozhenyuk, Stanislav Belyakov, Margarita Knyazeva and Janusz Kacprzyk. Allocation Centers Problem on Fuzzy Graphs with Largest Vitality Degree |
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Osvaldo Tapia-Dueñas, Hermilo Sánchez-Cruz, Hiram López and Humberto Sossa. Coding 3D connected regions with F26 chain code |
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Carlos Daniel Virgilio Gonzalez, Juan Humberto Sossa Azuela and Javier M. Antelis. Neural Networks for motor task recognition from electroencephalographic signals with CSP filtering |
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Margarita Knyazeva, Alexander Bozhenyuk and Janusz Kacprzyk. Modeling Decisions for Project Scheduling Optimization Problem Based on Type-2 Fuzzy Numbers |
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Erick Ordaz and Luis Torres Treviño. Collective manipulation in swarm robotics for an object transportation and construction task. |
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Stanislav Belyakov, Alexander Bozhenyuk, Marina Belyakova and Margarita Knyazeva. Case Based Reasoning for Logistics Projects in the Intelligent Geographic Information Systems |
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Marvin Coto-Jimenez. Auto-associative Initialization of LSTM Neural Networks for Fundamental Frequency Detection in Noisy Speech Signals |
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Ricardo Benitez Jimenez, Eduardo Morales and Hugo Jair Escalante. Bayesian Chain Classifier with Feature Selection for Multi-label Classification |
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Virginia Yannibelli. An Adaptive Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm for a Project Scheduling Problem that Maximizes the Effectiveness of Human Resources |
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Eduardo Loza, Mayra Díaz-Sosa, Miguel Torres and Maria Canut-Díaz-Velarde. Creating and ontology to represent qualitatively a scene in a virtual reality environment |
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Joel Suárez-Cansino, Anilú Franco-Árcega, Linda Gladiola Flores-Flores, Virgilio López-Morales and Ruslan Gabbasov. A Time Complexity Analysis to the ParDTLT Parallel Algorithm for Decision Tree Induction |
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Rubén Hernández-Pérez, Ruslan Gabbasov, Joel Suárez-Cansino, Virgilio López-Morales and Anilú Franco-Árcega. Efficiency Analysis of Particle Tracking with Synthetic PIV using SOM |
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Daniel Contreras-Sanchez, Leticia Flores-Pulido, Edgar Alfredo Portilla-Flores and Maria Barbara Calva-Yañez. Stellar Signal Feature Priority with Differential Evolution |
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Alejandro González Romero and Francisco González Acuña. Penalty Kicks |
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Vladimir Ivanov, Valery Solovyev and Marina Solnyshkina. Readability Formula for Russian Texts: a Modified Version |
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Mario Solarte, Raul Ramírez, Gustavo Ramírez and Hugo Ordóñez. Kolb´s Learning styles, learning activities and academic performance in a Massive Private Online Course |
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Xavier Sánchez-Díaz, Gilberto Ayala-Bastidas, Pedro Fonseca-Ortiz and Leonardo Garrido. A Knowledge-based Methodology for Building a Conversational Chatbot as an Intelligent Tutor |
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Jesús S. García-Salinas, Luis Villaseñor-Pineda, Carlos A. Reyes-Garcia and Alejandro A. Torres-García. Tensor Decomposition for Imagined Speech Discrimination in EEG |
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Arles Rodriguez, Nathaly Botina, Jonatan Gomez and Ada Diaconescu. Improving Data Collection in Complex Networks with Failure-Prone Agents via Local Marking |
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Alicia Martinez, Hugo Estrada, Fernando Ramirez and Miguel Gonzalez. A new software library for mobile sensing using FIWARE technologies |
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Pavel V. Dudarin and Nadezhda G. Yarushkina. An approach to feature space construction for short texts clustering |
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Ingrid Navarro, Alberto Herrera, Itzel Hernández and Leonardo Garrido. Data Augmentation in Deep Learning-based Obstacle Detection for Autonomous Navigation on Aquatic Surfaces |
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Aimee Cecilia Hernández García, Mireya Tovar Vidal and Jose-De-Jesus Lavalle-Martinez. Applying semantic similarity measures based on information content in the evaluation of a domain ontology |
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Josué Gómez, Chidentree Treesatayapun and América Morales. Free model task space controller based on adaptive gain for robot manipulator using Jacobian estimation. |
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Delia Irazu Hernandez Farias, Manuel Montes-Y-Gómez, Hugo Jair Escalante, Paolo Rosso and Viviana Patti. A Knowledge-based Weighted kKNN for Detecting Irony in Twitter |
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Jansel Leyva-Bravo, Pamela Chiñas-Sánchez and Alejandra Hernández-Rodríguez. Fuzzy logic modeling for material removal rate prediction in ECDM |
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Vadim Moshkin, Aleksey Filippov and Nadezhda Yarushkina. The extraction of semantic trees from the text in constructing a domain ontology |
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Yasmin Hernandez, Alicia Martinez and Carlos Acevedo Peña. Model for Personality Detection based on Text Analysis |
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Angel Zúñiga, Gerardo Sierra and Gemma Bel-Enguix. Towards a Natural Language Compiler |
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Laura Hervert-Escobar, Timothy I. Matis and Neil Hernández-Gress. Prediction learning model for soccer matches outcomes |
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Simone Aires, Cinthia Freitas and Mauren Sguario. Dynamic Selection of Feature Extractors in Trademark Retrieval |
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Joel García Velasco, Erik Zamora Gómez and Juan Humberto Sossa Azuela. Supervised and unsupervised neural networks: Experimental study for anomaly detection in electrical consumption |
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Luis Miguel Escobar Vega, Victor Hugo Zaldivar Carrillo and Ivan Villalon Turrubiates. Comparative analysis and implementation of semantic-based classifiers |
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Juan Villegas-Cortez, Carlos Aviles-Cruz, Salomon Cordero-Sanchez, Francisco Fernandez de Vega, Francisco Chavez de la O and Arturo Zúñiga-López. Evolution of Statistical Descriptors for the Image Recognition of Natural Sceneries by means of Genetic Programming for CBIR improvement |
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Oswualdo Alquisiris Quecha, Ángel Espiridión Maldonado Reyes, Eduardo Morales Manzanares and Luis Enrique Sucar Succar. Teleoperation and control of the humanoid robot NAO through body gestures |
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José Luis Olivares Castillo, María Ximena Gutiérrez Vasques and Gerardo Sierra Martínez. Learning a non-linear mapping for low-resource bilingual lexicon extraction |
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Flor Alejandra Romero Montiel and Katya Rodríguez Vázquez. Selection of Characteristics and Classification of Microarrays using Bioinspired Algorithms and Generalized Neuron |
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Luis Marquez and Luis Torres Treviño. Universal Swarm Optimizer for Multi-Objective Functions |
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Tomás Figueroa and Luis Torres Treviño. Promotions effects when fuzzy logic and neural networks are used for calculate forecast. |
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Alejandro Hernández-Herrera, Elsa Rubio Espino and Ponciano Jorge Escamilla-Ambrosio. A bio-inspired cybersecurity scheme to protect a swarm of robots |
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Karla Fernández and Arturo Baltazar. Chaos optimization applied to a beamforming algorithm for source location |
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Marvin Coto. Robustness of LSTM Neural Networks for the Enhancement of Spectral Parameters in Noisy Speech Signals |
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Christian Alex Mayhua Tijera and José Eduardo Ochoa-Luna. Fine-grained gating based on question-summary for machine comprehension |
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Gabriel Navarrete, Yolanda Baca, Daniel Villanueva and Hugo Estrada. ROBMMOR: An experimental robotic manipulator for motor rehabilitation of knee |
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Jesús Jaime Moreno Escobar, Oswaldo Morales Matamoros, Ricardo Tejeida Padilla and Juan Pablo Posadas Durán. Broadcasting and sharing of parameters in an IoT network by means of a Fractal of Hilbert using Swarm Intelligence. |
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Andrea Burgos-Madrigal, Ariel Esaú Ortiz-Esquivel, Raquel Díaz-Hernández and Leopoldo Altamirano-Robles. New features for automatic classification of gamma-ray and background hadron events using decision trees |
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Monica Borunda, Ann Nicholson, Raul Garduno and Hoss Sadafi. On the Modelling of the Energy System of a Country for Decision Making Using Bayesian Artificial Intelligence – A case study for Mexico |
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Ana Patricia Ávila-Guzmán, Ariel Esaú Ortiz-Esquivel, Raquel Díaz-Hernández and Leopoldo Altamirano-Robles. Stellar Spectral Classification with Neural Networks and Chebyshev Moments using Camera Schmidt Plate Collection of Tonantzintla |
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Katya Rodriguez-Vazquez, Beatriz Aurora Garro Licon and Elizabeth Alma Mancera Galvan. Solid waste collection in Ciudad Universitaria-UNAM using a VRP approach and Max-Min Ant System algorithm |
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Carolina Martín del Campo Rodríguez, Grigori Sidorov and Ildar Batyrshin. Enhancement of performance of document clustering in the authorship identification problem with a weighted cosine distance |
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Mónica Villaverde, David Aledo, David Pérez and Félix Moreno. A comparison of adaptive and non-adaptive ensemble methods for classification systems |
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Maria Somodevilla, Stephanie Vázquez and Ivo Pineda. A Diagnostic Tool for Speech Disorders based on NLP with Ontological Reasoning |
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Jose Eduardo Gomez, David Camilo Corrales Muñoz, Emmanuel Lasso, Jose Antonio Iglesias and Juan Carlos Corrales. Volcanic anomalies detection through Recursive Density Estimation |
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Trinidad Castro Villa and Oscar Castillo. Binary Cat Swarm Optimization Algorithm with Dynamic Adaptation of Param-eters Based on Fuzzy Logic |
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Iván Francisco Valencia, José Raymundo Marcial Romero and Rosa María Valdovinos Rosas. Upper Confidence Bound vs Upper Confidence Bound Tuned in General Game Playing. An Empirical Study |
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Cinthia Peraza, Fevrier Valdez and Oscar Castillo. A Fuzzy Harmony Search algorithm for the optimiza-tion of a Benchmark set of functions |
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Patricia Ochoa, Oscar Castillo and Jose Soria. Differential Evolution algorithm using a dynamic crossover parameter with a high-speed interval type 2 fuzzy system |
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Lourdes Martínez-Villaseñor, Hiram Ponce, José Antonio Marmolejo, Juan Manuel Ramírez and Agustina Hernández. A Genetic Algorithm to Solve Power System Expansion Planning With Renewable Energy |
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José Martínez Carranza, L. Oyuki Rojas Pérez, Aldrich A. Cabrera Ponce and Roberto Munguia Silva. Combining Deep Learning and RGBD SLAM for Monocular Indoor Autonomous Flight |
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Angel Fernando Kuri-Morales. Transforming Mixed Data Bases for Machine Learning: A Case Study |
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Ekaterina Pronoza, Anton Pronoza and Elena Yagunova. Extraction of Typical Client Requests from Bank Chat Logs |
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Hugo Andres Dorado Betancourt, Sylvain Delerce, Daniel Jimenez and Carlos Cobos. Finding optimal farming practices to increase crop yield through Global-best Harmony Search and predictive models, a data-driven approach |
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Cristian Heidelberg Valencia Payan and Juan Carlos Corrales. A Rainfall Prediction Tool for Sustainable Agriculture Using Random Forest |
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Jimena Adriana Timana Peña, Carlos Cobos and Jose Torres-Jimenez. Memetic Algorithm for constructing Covering Arrays of variable strength based on Global-best Harmony Search and Simulated Annealing |
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Ramón Zatarain Cabada, María Lucía Barrón Estrada and Raul Oramas Bustillos. Learning Emotion Recognition using Sentiment Analysis |
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Hiram Ponce and Mario Acevedo. Design and Equilibrium Control of a Force-Balanced One-Leg Mechanism |
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Erik Palacios and Luis Torres Treviño. Recognition of Facial Expressions with Fuzzy Logic |
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Moulay Rachid Douiri. Peak power tracker based on computational intelligence for photovoltaic system |
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Muhammad Aslam. Smart Solution for Heterogeneous Device Interoperability in IoT |
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Muhammad Aslam. EUTS: Extractive Urdu Text Summarizer |
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Frouzan Rashidi. A New Method for Optimization of Dynamic Environments with Tamed Hen and-Chickens Swarm Algorithm |
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Hamid Parvin. A New Inference Engine: Surface Matching Degree |
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Miguel Ángel Zúñiga García, Guillermo Santamaría-Bonfil, Gustavo Arroyo Figueroa and Rafael Batres. An association-rule method for short-term electricity demand forecasting and consumption pattern recognition |
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José Daniel Meneses-González, Omar Arturo Domínguez-Ramírez, Luis Enrique Ramos-Velasco, Félix Agustín Castro-Espinoza and Vicente Parra Vega. An Adaptive Robotic Assistance Platform for Neurorehabilitation Therapy of Upper Limb |
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Afanasyev Alexander, Nikolay Voit and Dmitry Kanev. Virtual Training Environment with diagrammatic models |
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Octavio Loyola-González, Miguel Angel Medina Pérez and Raúl Monory. An approach based on contrast patterns for bot detection on web log files |
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Afanasyev Alexander, Nikolay Voit and Sergey Kirillov. Timed automaton RVT-grammar for workflow translating |