Payment for MICAI 2018
via bank transfer
This option is preferred for payments from Mexico. From outside Mexico, you can also pay with a credit card or PayPal. Please avoid paying with a credit card from Mexico. Instead, you can use your bank's Internet payment system.
If you present more than one paper, please pay one complete fee plus one reduced fee per each additional paper, as specified below.
Amounts (please make sure any fees are paid by you and not deducted from the amount received by the SMIA):
- Registration for MICAI 2018 (author): MXN 11,000 (USD 590) plus bank fees depending on your bank
- Second paper presented by the same author : MXN 9,000 (USD 490) plus bank fees depending on your bank
- LNAI paper exceeding 12 pages: MXN 180 pesos (USD 10) per each additional page, plus bank fees depending on your bank
- Workshop (author): MXN 1800 pesos (USD 100), plus bank fees depending on your bank
Please transfer the fee to any of the following accounts in Mexican pesos:
Bank: BBVA Bancomer,
Account: 0194625285,
CLABE: 012180001946252858,
Beneficiary: Sociedad Mexicana de Inteligencia Artificial, A.C.
Branch: 4152,
Account: 0194825,
CLABE: 002180415201948254,
Beneficiary: Sociedad Mexicana de Inteligencia Artificial, A.C.
you can find more details here.
As payment details please use:
Main conference: "MICAI 2018 paper <your paper ID>" (paper ID is assigned by EasyChair), for example: "MICAI 2018 paper 987".
Workshop authors: "MICAI 2018 workshop <workshop abbreviation> paper <paper title or first several words of it>", for example: "MICAI 2018 workshop WILE paper A Novel Method for Fuzzy Control of".
If you pay from abroad, please make sure that the complete fee is deposited to our account; i.e., if there is any transfer fee, please add it to your payment.
Upon payment, please send a message at
with the subject "Payment MICAI 2018 paper <your paper ID>", and attach the payment proof (either a receipt generated by the online system or a scanned image of a physical receipt). In the body of the message please indicate the paper number and title.
Please also keep the payment proof (a printout or the physical receipt) and show it at the registration desk when you come to the conference.