MICAI call for workshops
Why don't you organize a workshop?
MICAI 2018 Call for Workshops
Workshops will be held in conjunction with the 15th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI 2018) Mexico. Specifically, workshops will be held on to be announced, by your choice.
Workshop proceedings will be published as a book and/or as a special issue of the RCS journal.
Topics of interest are all areas of Artificial Intelligence, including but not limited to:
Workshop proposals must include:
- The name of the workshop.
- A statement of goals for the workshop.
- The names and addresses of the organizers.
- The names of potential participants (optional).
- The names of program committee members.
- A description of the plans for call for participation (e.g., call for papers).
- The planned length of the workshop.
Workshop duration can be of 2, 4, 8, or 16 hours.
After the acceptance of a workshop proposal the organizer(s) should:
- Write and disseminate “Call for papers/participation” for the workshop
- Develop a Web page for the workshop, the link of which will be published on the Conference Web site
- Form a Board of Reviewers (Program Committee)
- Review and select papers
Paper Format: The submissions are to be formatted in accordance with the Springer LNCS format guidelines.
Deadline for the proposal: We do not fix any specific deadline and we will consider the proposals as they are submitted; you are welcome to express interest as soon as you make your mind. Note however that you will need some weeks to collect papers, some weeks for review, some week for camera-ready, and some week(s) for printing the proceedings, which should be printed by to be announced.
To submit your proposal, express interest, or ask questions, contact the organizers of MICAI 2018 at: