Why not you give a tutorial?
The MICAI 2018 Tutorial Organizing Committee invites you to submit tutorial proposals on all topics related to Artificial Intelligence.
Tutorial cover surveys, theoretical issues, important advances, and practical applications of the field.
Tutorials will be 4 hours in length. They will be held on Monday and Tuesday of the conference week, preceding the main conference.
Important Dates:
We are flexible. Please contact us when you have made your mind, the earlier the better,
and we will do our best to consider your application.
We may not have room after the deadlines indicated below,
but if you read this too late, please do contact us.
Deadline for tutorial proposals: |
to be announced (recommended) |
Notification of acceptance: |
to be announced (anticipated) |
Tutorial materials due: |
to be announced (recommended) |
Tutorial date: |
to be announced |
Tutorial Proposal Submission
A tutorial proposal should contain the following information:
Title, name of the speaker, abstract (informative but short: 5 – 10 lines);
A detailed outline of the topics to be presented, with a short comment on each topic;
A description of the target audience and pre-requisites expected from participants;
A brief CV of the speaker indicating his/her background in the tutorial area;
Contact address, phone, e-mail, webpage of the speaker;
Technical requirements (equipment, hardware, and software).
Contributors for accepted tutorials will receive a certificate, one night free stay in the conference hotel, and the conference kit (except for conference proceedings). No other expenses will be reimbursed.
Proposals should be submitted electronically in Word or PDF format to the tutorials chair: